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Annual Reports, 990 Forms, & Audited Financials

View an archive of Annual Reports, IRS 990 forms, and Audited Financial Statements. We're committed to transparency with the funds you trust us with to accomplish our mission of ZERO prostate cancer.

Image showing hands of a man who's holding a pen and looking over reports with charts

Annual Reports

Annual reports are the best place to get a picture of ZERO's mission, vision, successes, and challenges each year. Look for the latest release near the the end of each calendar year, and download archived reports going back a decade.

IRS Form 990

This important report is filed every January, and gives full details of how ZERO uses the funds you've entrusted to us.

You may notice that certain 990 forms cover the previous year, others cover two years ago. We're not holding back on anything, it's just because of the difference between how IRS reporting deadlines work versus how accounting timelines and "fiscal years" work for organizations.

Audited financial statements

For 100% transparency in our mission, ZERO brings in an independent accounting agency to do a full audit of our financial records, accounting practices, and where the money goes throughout our most recent fiscal year.

To allow for a comprehensive review, the audit is usually made available at the start of the year following our most recent 990.
