Download Educational Materials Empower yourself or others with ZERO's variety of educational materials. From prostate cancer facts to treatment information to materials for special populations, we've got you covered. Request Printed Materials by Mail Jump To Jump To By Disease Stage By Topic Statistics For Support In Spanish Request Materials Download a wide range of prostate cancer educational materials and questions for your doctor, in formats that are easy to print at home or email to others. ZERO can also send you select printed materials by mail, for sharing with your healthcare community, at local events, and within support groups.Click the links above to jump to categories and see what's available, or click on each resource to view its content and download the PDF. For Newly Diagnosed Patients Newly Diagnosed Prostate Cancer Guide (PDF) This 36-page guide covers everything you need to understand as a newly diagnosed prostate cancer patient. From explanations of the disease and how it works, to treatment options, side effects, questions you might ask your healthcare team, support resources, and more Newly Diagnosed Worksheet (PDF) If you're newly diagnosed with prostate cancer, use the Medical Information Worksheet to track important information about your diagnosis. Questions for Your Doctor: Newly Diagnosed (PDF) These questions are to help someone who has just been diagnosed with prostate cancer begin to make a plan with their healthcare team. Consider using a notebook to record test results, treatments, and upcoming appointments to feel more organized. Having all important information together may help reduce some of the stress of a prostate cancer diagnosis. For Advanced Prostate Cancer Patients Advanced Prostate Cancer One-Pager (PDF) This free PDF download explains metastatic prostate cancer (stage IV), as well as stage III (locally advanced) disease. Details include terms used to describe the disease, various treatments, statistics, bone health, and living with the disease. Print the one-pager (double-sided) at home, or forward via email. Questions for Your Doctor: Advanced Prostate Cancer (PDF) Questions for your doctor to when living with advanced prostate cancer, to make a plan and manage the disease. Advanced prostate cancer has spread to other parts of the body, and is also known as metastatic or stage IV. 2023/2024 Advanced Prostate Cancer Newsletter A summary of 2023's top prostate cancer news, research, and support programs of interest to those who have advanced or metastatic prostate cancer. For Black Patients & Survivors Black Men and Prostate Cancer - By the Numbers (PDF) Statistics show that Black men have higher risk of getting prostate cancer and dying from it. This infographic puts the numbers into practical terms, for those who want to better understand the real impact of the disease on the African American community. Black Men's Virtual Support Group Flyer ZERO's Black Men’s Prostate Cancer Initiative Virtual Support Group provides Black/African American prostate cancer patients and survivors a private and safe space in which they can share their experiences and gain community and support from one another. ZERO's Health Equity & Black Men's Prostate Cancer Initiative Programs Learn more about ZERO's efforts to achieve health equity, including through the Black Men's Prostate Cancer Initiative programs. For Caregivers Caregiver Guide (PDF) The purpose of this guide is to provide caregivers with tools, tips, resources, coping strategies, and support when supporting someone fighting or living with prostate cancer. Putting your own needs aside while you care for your loved one will not work in the long term. You have the right to take pride in what you’re doing, you have the right to seek help from others, and you have the right to maintain some bit of normalcy from your life before your loved one was diagnosed with prostate cancer. Caregiver Tips and Resources (PDF) Has a loved one been diagnosed with prostate cancer? This one-page guide provides quick tips and resources so you can take care of your needs as a caregiver. A Forum for Her Flyer A Forum for Her, a support group for female care partners of people diagnosed with prostate cancer, provides a safe space for women to discuss their own needs and challenges that can come after a loved one’s diagnosis. Conversations are confidential and care partners are able to explore and share feelings without judgment. Prostate Cancer Risk & Screening PSA Test: What You Need to Know (PDF) This one-page summary of the PSA blood test explains one of the key parts of detecting prostate cancer early. Download it to print at home or email, or view the document in your web browser. Chart: NCCN Guidelines for Early Detection (Age, Risk Factors, PSA Scores) This chart shows how PSA levels change with age, and how various risk factors can inform your decision-making process when discussing prostate cancer testing with your doctor. Ask the Doctor: Screening for High-Risk Individuals (PDF) A one-page overview of high-risk patients and early detection from the "Ask the Doctor" educational series. View it online, or download it to your computer for printing at home or sending to others. Ask the Doctor Series: Biomarkers & Family History (PDF) A one-page overview of how biomarkers and family history help identify individuals who have higher risk of prostate cancer, from the "Ask the Doctor" educational series. View it online, or download it to your computer for printing at home or sending to others. Prostate Cancer Family Tree Worksheet (PDF) Print and fill out this one-page worksheet to collect details of cancer in your family's medical history, then have a conversation with your healthcare team about how your genetic history impacts your risk of having prostate cancer. Diagnosis & Treatment Early Stage Prostate Cancer Fact Sheet (PDF) Early stage or localized prostate cancer refers to cancer that is still confined to the prostate. Learn more and find questions to ask your doctor so you understand your diagnosis and treatment options. Biomarker Testing Discussion Guide (PDF) This one-page sheet helps those who have solid-tumor cancer ask their healthcare team about biomarker testing, including clinical trial options. Providers can also use the guid to teach patients how test results can inform decisions about next steps in their treatment plan. Precision Medicine in Prostate Cancer (PDF) The future of treating prostate cancer is likely to be personalized, precision medicine that matches the specific characteristics of your cancer cells. Learn about the current state of targeted therapy research in this one-page primer document. External Resource: Patient Resource Prostate Cancer Guide Published in partnership with ZERO Cancer, includes an extensive prostate cancer guide that is written for ease of understanding and is offered in full as both a website and in printed publications. Questions for Your Doctor: Chemotherapy (PDF) If chemotherapy might a treatment option for you, use this list of questions to ask your doctor so you have the information you need. Questions for Your Doctor: Clinical Trials Guide (PDF) Patients often don't realize they are eligible for available clinical trials, regardless of what stage their disease is at. This one-page guide offers questions to ask your doctor or a clinical trial coordinator. Questions for Your Doctor: Hormone Therapy (PDF) If hormone therapy is a treatment option for you, use this list of questions to ask your doctor so you have the information you need. Ask the Doctor: Shared Decision Making (PDF) This one-pager discusses how doctors can empower patients with clear communication and information sharing, as part of the "Ask the Doctor" educational series. View it online, or download it to your computer for printing at home or sending to others. Understanding Prostate Cancer Imaging (PDF) Prostate cancer imaging is an evolving field. Ultrasound, bone scan, MRI scan, CT scan, and PET/CT scan are all considered for various reasons. Learn more and find questions to ask your doctor so you know which imaging scans are right for you. Prostate Cancer Survivorship Ask the Doctor Series: Living with Prostate Cancer (PDF) This one-pager discusses survivorship (the process of living with prostate cancer after completing primary treatment), as part of the "Ask the Doctor" educational series. View it online, or download it to your computer for printing at home or sending to others. 2023 Patient Voice Survey Results (PDF) Know what patients prioritize, based on patient feedback at ZERO's events, surveys, focus groups, and testimonials. View it online, or download it to your computer for printing at home or sending to others. Prostate Cancer Facts and Statistics 5 Things to Know About Prostate Cancer (PDF) These 3" x 5" pocket cards are a quick reference for telling people who are unfamiliar with prostate cancer what the disease is, as well as actions they can take. About Prostate Cancer (PDF) This one-page, double-sided fact sheet explains the prostate location, how cancer is detected, risk factors, treatments, questions for your doctor, and survivorship. The PDF is a free download, and you can also request printed materials sent to you by mail for free. Breast Cancer and Prostate Cancer Infographic (PDF) View the Breast Cancer and Prostate Cancer Infographic in PDF and full-text versions. The two diseases have more in common than meets the eye, including similar rates of diagnosis, long-term outlooks, importance of early detection, and health equity issues. Prostate Cancer By the Numbers (PDF) Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer among American men after skin cancer. Learning more can help you better understand the disease and share information with others. Prostate Cancer Fact Sheet (PDF) This one-page document summarizes basic facts about prostate cancer, including mortality rates, national statistics, survivorship, testing, and more. Veterans Prostate Cancer Guide (PDF) This 24-page guide reviews everything a veteran should know about prostate cancer, from diagnosis to VA benefits and living with the disease. Support Programs for Patients & Caregivers Join or Lead a Support Group (PDF) These single-page informational sheets explain what to expect when joining a ZERO Us TOO support group, as well as when beginning to lead a small group in your community. Veterans Support & Advocacy (PDF) This one-page summary explains the specific challenges veterans face with prostate cancer, and what ZERO is doing to help. ZERO’s Patient & Caregiver Resources (PDF, English) This one-page flyer explains the variety of free support programs and educational resources ZERO offers a for patients and caregivers in the prostate cancer community. Download and print, or request it shipped to you by mail. Materiales en Español Guía Para Pacientes Recién Diagnosticados (PDF) ¿Recién le han diagnosticado cáncer de próstata? No está solo. Esta guía le ofrece información fácil de comprender sobre el cáncer de próstata y una variedad de recursos de apoyo que le pueden interesar a usted y a su familia. Hoja De Datos Del Cáncer De Próstata (PDF) Este documento de una página resume datos básicos sobre el cáncer de próstata, incluidas tasas de mortalidad, estadísticas nacionales, supervivencia, pruebas y más. Recursos de ZERO para pacientes y cuidadores (PDF, Español) No está solo. ZERO ofrece recursos de ayuda gratuitos a aquellas personas que padecen cáncer de próstata. Recursos de ZERO para pacientes y cuidadores. Preguntas Para Su Médico: Recientemente diagnosticado (PDF) ¿Le acaban de diagnosticar cáncer de próstata? Utilice esta hoja de trabajo para realizar un seguimiento de la información básica sobre su diagnóstico y atención medicas. Preguntas Para Su Médico: Cáncer de próstata avanzado (PDF) ¿Le acaban de diagnosticar cáncer de próstata? Utilice esta lista de preguntas para hacerle a su médico y ayudarle a mantenerse al día en sus citas. Hoja De Trabajo Del Recientemente Diagnosticado (PDF) ¿Le acaban de diagnosticar cáncer de próstata? Utilice esta hoja de trabajo para realizar un seguimiento de la información básica sobre su diagnóstico y atención medicas. Árbol Genealógico Del Cáncer De Próstata (PDF) El antecedente familiar es un factor de riesgo para el cáncer de próstata. Inicie un diálogo con su familia y complete esta herramienta de su árbol genealógico. Luego comparta esta información con sus seres queridos y su médico. Grupo De Apoyo En Español (PDF) Obtenga más información sobre nuestro grupo de apoyo para el cáncer de próstata para personas de habla hispana. Request Printed Materials Now ZERO can mail select printed materials to those who are spreading the word at local events, support group meetings, and in the community. Visit our requests page to learn more about the process and request educational materials. Request printed materials by Mail Other Resources Life with prostate cancer can bring profound changes and challenges. Understanding the disease and how to manage it can increase your confidence in making changes to improve and maintain your health. We are here to help you live your best life possible before, during, and after life with prostate cancer. Learn more about our resources by selecting the links below. ZERO360: A Comprehensive Patient Support Service ZERO's Director of Patient Programs, Jeremy Patch, sits down with ZERO360 case manager, Beth Scott to discuss how ZERO360 provides support to prostate cancer patients and their loved ones. Online Peer Support Join thousands of others in the online ZERO community, and find the support of those who've faced the same things you've faced on your prostate cancer journey. Videos & Webinars ZERO has a large library of educational webinars and videos touching on topics from treatment, side effects, research and more related to prostate cancer. Podcasts Tune in to one of our podcasts covering hot topics in prostate cancer—from sex and dating after a prostate cancer diagnosis to stories from patients and survivors, health equity in the Black community, and candid conversations with rock 'n roll legend, Jay Jay French. Financial Resources A prostate cancer diagnosis can be financially devastating. Understand what resources are available to help you and your family pay for your care. ZERO Prostate Cancer Veterans Veterans are a high-risk group for prostate cancer. Learn more about ZERO supports Veterans with prostate cancer. Cancer Experience Registry (external site) The Cancer Experience Registry is an online research study hosted by to collect support and educational needs of those in the prostate cancer community.
Download a wide range of prostate cancer educational materials and questions for your doctor, in formats that are easy to print at home or email to others. ZERO can also send you select printed materials by mail, for sharing with your healthcare community, at local events, and within support groups.Click the links above to jump to categories and see what's available, or click on each resource to view its content and download the PDF.
For Newly Diagnosed Patients Newly Diagnosed Prostate Cancer Guide (PDF) This 36-page guide covers everything you need to understand as a newly diagnosed prostate cancer patient. From explanations of the disease and how it works, to treatment options, side effects, questions you might ask your healthcare team, support resources, and more Newly Diagnosed Worksheet (PDF) If you're newly diagnosed with prostate cancer, use the Medical Information Worksheet to track important information about your diagnosis. Questions for Your Doctor: Newly Diagnosed (PDF) These questions are to help someone who has just been diagnosed with prostate cancer begin to make a plan with their healthcare team. Consider using a notebook to record test results, treatments, and upcoming appointments to feel more organized. Having all important information together may help reduce some of the stress of a prostate cancer diagnosis.
For Advanced Prostate Cancer Patients Advanced Prostate Cancer One-Pager (PDF) This free PDF download explains metastatic prostate cancer (stage IV), as well as stage III (locally advanced) disease. Details include terms used to describe the disease, various treatments, statistics, bone health, and living with the disease. Print the one-pager (double-sided) at home, or forward via email. Questions for Your Doctor: Advanced Prostate Cancer (PDF) Questions for your doctor to when living with advanced prostate cancer, to make a plan and manage the disease. Advanced prostate cancer has spread to other parts of the body, and is also known as metastatic or stage IV. 2023/2024 Advanced Prostate Cancer Newsletter A summary of 2023's top prostate cancer news, research, and support programs of interest to those who have advanced or metastatic prostate cancer.
For Black Patients & Survivors Black Men and Prostate Cancer - By the Numbers (PDF) Statistics show that Black men have higher risk of getting prostate cancer and dying from it. This infographic puts the numbers into practical terms, for those who want to better understand the real impact of the disease on the African American community. Black Men's Virtual Support Group Flyer ZERO's Black Men’s Prostate Cancer Initiative Virtual Support Group provides Black/African American prostate cancer patients and survivors a private and safe space in which they can share their experiences and gain community and support from one another. ZERO's Health Equity & Black Men's Prostate Cancer Initiative Programs Learn more about ZERO's efforts to achieve health equity, including through the Black Men's Prostate Cancer Initiative programs.
For Caregivers Caregiver Guide (PDF) The purpose of this guide is to provide caregivers with tools, tips, resources, coping strategies, and support when supporting someone fighting or living with prostate cancer. Putting your own needs aside while you care for your loved one will not work in the long term. You have the right to take pride in what you’re doing, you have the right to seek help from others, and you have the right to maintain some bit of normalcy from your life before your loved one was diagnosed with prostate cancer. Caregiver Tips and Resources (PDF) Has a loved one been diagnosed with prostate cancer? This one-page guide provides quick tips and resources so you can take care of your needs as a caregiver. A Forum for Her Flyer A Forum for Her, a support group for female care partners of people diagnosed with prostate cancer, provides a safe space for women to discuss their own needs and challenges that can come after a loved one’s diagnosis. Conversations are confidential and care partners are able to explore and share feelings without judgment.
Prostate Cancer Risk & Screening PSA Test: What You Need to Know (PDF) This one-page summary of the PSA blood test explains one of the key parts of detecting prostate cancer early. Download it to print at home or email, or view the document in your web browser. Chart: NCCN Guidelines for Early Detection (Age, Risk Factors, PSA Scores) This chart shows how PSA levels change with age, and how various risk factors can inform your decision-making process when discussing prostate cancer testing with your doctor. Ask the Doctor: Screening for High-Risk Individuals (PDF) A one-page overview of high-risk patients and early detection from the "Ask the Doctor" educational series. View it online, or download it to your computer for printing at home or sending to others. Ask the Doctor Series: Biomarkers & Family History (PDF) A one-page overview of how biomarkers and family history help identify individuals who have higher risk of prostate cancer, from the "Ask the Doctor" educational series. View it online, or download it to your computer for printing at home or sending to others. Prostate Cancer Family Tree Worksheet (PDF) Print and fill out this one-page worksheet to collect details of cancer in your family's medical history, then have a conversation with your healthcare team about how your genetic history impacts your risk of having prostate cancer.
Diagnosis & Treatment Early Stage Prostate Cancer Fact Sheet (PDF) Early stage or localized prostate cancer refers to cancer that is still confined to the prostate. Learn more and find questions to ask your doctor so you understand your diagnosis and treatment options. Biomarker Testing Discussion Guide (PDF) This one-page sheet helps those who have solid-tumor cancer ask their healthcare team about biomarker testing, including clinical trial options. Providers can also use the guid to teach patients how test results can inform decisions about next steps in their treatment plan. Precision Medicine in Prostate Cancer (PDF) The future of treating prostate cancer is likely to be personalized, precision medicine that matches the specific characteristics of your cancer cells. Learn about the current state of targeted therapy research in this one-page primer document. External Resource: Patient Resource Prostate Cancer Guide Published in partnership with ZERO Cancer, includes an extensive prostate cancer guide that is written for ease of understanding and is offered in full as both a website and in printed publications. Questions for Your Doctor: Chemotherapy (PDF) If chemotherapy might a treatment option for you, use this list of questions to ask your doctor so you have the information you need. Questions for Your Doctor: Clinical Trials Guide (PDF) Patients often don't realize they are eligible for available clinical trials, regardless of what stage their disease is at. This one-page guide offers questions to ask your doctor or a clinical trial coordinator. Questions for Your Doctor: Hormone Therapy (PDF) If hormone therapy is a treatment option for you, use this list of questions to ask your doctor so you have the information you need. Ask the Doctor: Shared Decision Making (PDF) This one-pager discusses how doctors can empower patients with clear communication and information sharing, as part of the "Ask the Doctor" educational series. View it online, or download it to your computer for printing at home or sending to others. Understanding Prostate Cancer Imaging (PDF) Prostate cancer imaging is an evolving field. Ultrasound, bone scan, MRI scan, CT scan, and PET/CT scan are all considered for various reasons. Learn more and find questions to ask your doctor so you know which imaging scans are right for you.
Prostate Cancer Survivorship Ask the Doctor Series: Living with Prostate Cancer (PDF) This one-pager discusses survivorship (the process of living with prostate cancer after completing primary treatment), as part of the "Ask the Doctor" educational series. View it online, or download it to your computer for printing at home or sending to others. 2023 Patient Voice Survey Results (PDF) Know what patients prioritize, based on patient feedback at ZERO's events, surveys, focus groups, and testimonials. View it online, or download it to your computer for printing at home or sending to others.
Prostate Cancer Facts and Statistics 5 Things to Know About Prostate Cancer (PDF) These 3" x 5" pocket cards are a quick reference for telling people who are unfamiliar with prostate cancer what the disease is, as well as actions they can take. About Prostate Cancer (PDF) This one-page, double-sided fact sheet explains the prostate location, how cancer is detected, risk factors, treatments, questions for your doctor, and survivorship. The PDF is a free download, and you can also request printed materials sent to you by mail for free. Breast Cancer and Prostate Cancer Infographic (PDF) View the Breast Cancer and Prostate Cancer Infographic in PDF and full-text versions. The two diseases have more in common than meets the eye, including similar rates of diagnosis, long-term outlooks, importance of early detection, and health equity issues. Prostate Cancer By the Numbers (PDF) Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer among American men after skin cancer. Learning more can help you better understand the disease and share information with others. Prostate Cancer Fact Sheet (PDF) This one-page document summarizes basic facts about prostate cancer, including mortality rates, national statistics, survivorship, testing, and more. Veterans Prostate Cancer Guide (PDF) This 24-page guide reviews everything a veteran should know about prostate cancer, from diagnosis to VA benefits and living with the disease.
Support Programs for Patients & Caregivers Join or Lead a Support Group (PDF) These single-page informational sheets explain what to expect when joining a ZERO Us TOO support group, as well as when beginning to lead a small group in your community. Veterans Support & Advocacy (PDF) This one-page summary explains the specific challenges veterans face with prostate cancer, and what ZERO is doing to help. ZERO’s Patient & Caregiver Resources (PDF, English) This one-page flyer explains the variety of free support programs and educational resources ZERO offers a for patients and caregivers in the prostate cancer community. Download and print, or request it shipped to you by mail.
Materiales en Español Guía Para Pacientes Recién Diagnosticados (PDF) ¿Recién le han diagnosticado cáncer de próstata? No está solo. Esta guía le ofrece información fácil de comprender sobre el cáncer de próstata y una variedad de recursos de apoyo que le pueden interesar a usted y a su familia. Hoja De Datos Del Cáncer De Próstata (PDF) Este documento de una página resume datos básicos sobre el cáncer de próstata, incluidas tasas de mortalidad, estadísticas nacionales, supervivencia, pruebas y más. Recursos de ZERO para pacientes y cuidadores (PDF, Español) No está solo. ZERO ofrece recursos de ayuda gratuitos a aquellas personas que padecen cáncer de próstata. Recursos de ZERO para pacientes y cuidadores. Preguntas Para Su Médico: Recientemente diagnosticado (PDF) ¿Le acaban de diagnosticar cáncer de próstata? Utilice esta hoja de trabajo para realizar un seguimiento de la información básica sobre su diagnóstico y atención medicas. Preguntas Para Su Médico: Cáncer de próstata avanzado (PDF) ¿Le acaban de diagnosticar cáncer de próstata? Utilice esta lista de preguntas para hacerle a su médico y ayudarle a mantenerse al día en sus citas. Hoja De Trabajo Del Recientemente Diagnosticado (PDF) ¿Le acaban de diagnosticar cáncer de próstata? Utilice esta hoja de trabajo para realizar un seguimiento de la información básica sobre su diagnóstico y atención medicas. Árbol Genealógico Del Cáncer De Próstata (PDF) El antecedente familiar es un factor de riesgo para el cáncer de próstata. Inicie un diálogo con su familia y complete esta herramienta de su árbol genealógico. Luego comparta esta información con sus seres queridos y su médico. Grupo De Apoyo En Español (PDF) Obtenga más información sobre nuestro grupo de apoyo para el cáncer de próstata para personas de habla hispana.
Request Printed Materials Now ZERO can mail select printed materials to those who are spreading the word at local events, support group meetings, and in the community. Visit our requests page to learn more about the process and request educational materials. Request printed materials by Mail
Other Resources Life with prostate cancer can bring profound changes and challenges. Understanding the disease and how to manage it can increase your confidence in making changes to improve and maintain your health. We are here to help you live your best life possible before, during, and after life with prostate cancer. Learn more about our resources by selecting the links below. ZERO360: A Comprehensive Patient Support Service ZERO's Director of Patient Programs, Jeremy Patch, sits down with ZERO360 case manager, Beth Scott to discuss how ZERO360 provides support to prostate cancer patients and their loved ones. Online Peer Support Join thousands of others in the online ZERO community, and find the support of those who've faced the same things you've faced on your prostate cancer journey. Videos & Webinars ZERO has a large library of educational webinars and videos touching on topics from treatment, side effects, research and more related to prostate cancer. Podcasts Tune in to one of our podcasts covering hot topics in prostate cancer—from sex and dating after a prostate cancer diagnosis to stories from patients and survivors, health equity in the Black community, and candid conversations with rock 'n roll legend, Jay Jay French. Financial Resources A prostate cancer diagnosis can be financially devastating. Understand what resources are available to help you and your family pay for your care. ZERO Prostate Cancer Veterans Veterans are a high-risk group for prostate cancer. Learn more about ZERO supports Veterans with prostate cancer. Cancer Experience Registry (external site) The Cancer Experience Registry is an online research study hosted by to collect support and educational needs of those in the prostate cancer community.