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September Prostate Cancer Newsletter

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September Newsletter

September is Prostate Cancer Awareness Month

September is Prostate Cancer Awareness Month

As Leo Nunes approached his 49th birthday, his doctor decided to start testing him for prostate cancer every three months. Leo actually began getting annual PSA tests when he was 46 because he had a family history of prostate-related health issues. After seeing a rise in his PSA levels, and several trips to the doctor later, an MRI revealed he had prostate cancer.

"What? You? You're too young!"

Those are the kinds of responses Leo gets when he tells people he has prostate cancer. But Leo uses those conversations as an opportunity to educate people about the importance of early detection.

"As we honor Prostate Cancer Awareness Month, I urge all men to prioritize their health and get screened for prostate cancer. Don't wait until it's too late," says Leo. "And if you or someone you know is facing prostate cancer, know that you are not alone. Reach out, seek support, and find your community. It can make all the difference in your journey."

Learn more about Leo's journey and Prostate Cancer Awareness Month here.

Empowering Support Group Leaders

Empowering Support Group Leaders

Our annual Support Group Leader Training was a success!

Several Support Group Leaders and MENtors gathered in Atlanta last month for a weekend of education and inspiration. Attendees participated in thoughtfully crafted sessions designed to provide them with the latest evidence-based information and actionable advice on leading efficient and impactful support groups.

"I learned so much both from the presentations and from getting the opportunity to speak to others," said Peter. "I came away with ideas on how to be a better MENtor that I will be adding to my toolbox."

Thank you to everyone who attended, shared their stories, and collaborated on ways to better support our prostate cancer community.

Run/Walkers, Let's Do This!

Run/Walkers, Let's Do This

This month, there are 17 Run/Walks happening across the country! New York, Baltimore, Atlanta, L.A., and many other amazing communities are lacing up their shoes and getting us one step closer to the finish line of zeroing out prostate cancer.

Stephanie Mueller and her family just took part in the Cleveland event on August 24; they've been participating since her father was diagnosed in 2012.

"Every year since then, my family gathers along with friends to celebrate my dad, as well as other survivors, the warriors still battling and those who have been lost, and all the caregivers," said Stephanie.

Whether you're a seasoned runner or a casual walker, this family-friendly event series has a place for you.

Find A Run/Walk Near You

Fundraise Your Own Way

Fundraise Your Own Way

Last year, Larry Langmore and his daughter, Katie, turned their annual Maine Lighthouse bike tour into a fundraiser for ZERO. After reaching out to family, friends, fraternity brothers, and local businesses, they quickly surpassed their $1500 goal and raised a whopping $15,000!

"It's been extremely meaningful and important to my dad as a patient and survivor to make an impact on the cause," says Katie Roy. "ZERO gave us resources and support to fundraise, and we appreciated being able to fundraise our own way doing what we love - wee bike rides!"

You can host your own fundraiser this fall. Host a backyard BBQ or hold an event at a local brewery - put your unique spin on making a difference. ZERO provides you with all the tools to make it easy.

Fundraise Your Own Way

Caregiver Retreat

Register for ZERO+1

Register for ZERO+1

ZERO Prostate Cancer is proud to host our first-ever Caregiver Retreat in Chicago. Join us this October 26-27 as we create a sanctuary for those who tirelessly support loved ones with prostate cancer. This transformative gathering offers expert-led sessions on self-care, relationship strengthening, and practical advice. Space is limited, so we encourage you to reserve your spot soon: » Register Today

Summit Leaders

Elevate Your Advocacy: Join the Summit Leaders Program

Elevate Your Advocacy: Join the Summit Leaders Program

Ready to lead the charge against prostate cancer? Our Summit Leaders Program offers exclusive training to transform passionate advocates into community leaders. Gain in-depth policy knowledge, learn from experts, and represent ZERO at the 2025 Advocacy Summit in Washington, D.C. Apply by September 9, 2024, to make a lasting impact. Your voice can change lives. » Register Today

PSA Test

Take Charge of Your Prostate Health

Take Charge of Your Prostate Health

Did you know a simple blood test could be your first line of defense against prostate cancer? The PSA test is a powerful tool in early detection, offering valuable insights into your prostate health. Black men, Veterans, and those with a family history of cancer are at increased risk and should consider testing at 40. Others can start the conversation with their doctor at 45. Take charge of your health and ask your doctor about PSA testing. » Learn More About PSA Testing

Save The Date

Save the Date for September 6

Save the Date for September 6

We're celebrating ZERO Prostate Cancer Day and the 28th anniversary of ZERO's founding this week. It's a day for our community to say, "Enough is enough," and unite against this disease.

All gifts will be double matched. ZERO has been a lifeline, connecting thousands to personalized support, but many still struggle to access critical care and resources. Your donations on ZERO Prostate Cancer Day can break down these barriers, allowing patients to focus on healing. » Give early to make sure your gift is counted!

New Program

Trek Back Soon

Trek Back Soon!

We're gearing up and mapping out ZERO's next big adventure. As part of Prostate Cancer Awareness Month, we'll be announcing plans for an exciting new program. We're dropping the big news toward the end of September, so stay tuned.

Together, we can conquer prostate cancer, one peak at a time. (hint, hint)


515 King Street
Suite 310
Alexandria, VA 22314

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© 2024 ZERO Prostate Cancer. All rights reserved. ZERO is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
