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Advocacy Newsletter: Winter 2023

Advocacy Newsletter

Dear ZERO Advocates,

It's been an extra-tumultuous year in D.C., but we've managed to gain a tremendous amount of momentum for our top priorities, despite the chaos. I can't say exactly what will happen in 2024, but I can guarantee that we won't let up the pressure to get better access to prostate cancer screening for men across the country, new and better treatments for disease, and myriad other policy changes to make life even just a little better for prostate cancer patients. I know you're wondering, how can I help? If you're able, please join us in D.C. at the end of February for the ZERO Summit - telling your story to policymakers face-to-face can make all the difference - more information is below. If you can't, keep an eye on your email for opportunities to send a message to those same folks, amplifying the voices of those in D.C.

In the meantime, thank you so much for your efforts this year - there are more of you than ever before using your voices to make the world better for the prostate cancer patients who come after you - and we couldn't be more grateful.

Here's to ending prostate cancer together!


Ali Manson

Ali Manson
VP, Government Relations & Advocacy

End of Year Advocacy Update

2023 has been quite the year for our advocacy efforts, full of ups and downs. We got the year off to a strong start with a fantastic Summit in Washington, D.C. Over 100 advocates joined us in-person for the first time since 2020!

End of Year Advocacy Update

Prostate Cancer on the Federal Level

Fresh on the heels of the 2023 Summit, our advocates mobilized to protect federal prostate cancer research and education funding, sending thousands of messages to their elected representatives on behalf of prostate cancer patients everywhere.

Due to our collective efforts, we were able to protect prostate cancer funding from potential budget cuts in a year when appropriators were hunting for places to slash funding.

With prostate cancer funding successfully protected, we turned our efforts to ensure that high-risk men can get screened for prostate cancer at no cost. The passage of the PSA Screening for HIM Act is one of ZERO's top legislative priorities, and this year we were able to introduce a Senate version of the bill for the very first time. In the coming months we hope to share more positive updates on it as the bill makes its way through the legislative process. Stay tuned!

Prostate Cancer on the State Level

On the state side, we were met with a couple of disappointments this year.

In Texas, the Texas Senate failed to give our prostate cancer screening cost-sharing bill a hearing in time before the year's legislative session concluded. In California, our cost-sharing bill made it to Governor Newsom's desk, but was ultimately vetoed.

These two setbacks were a reminder that we face powerful opponents with deep pockets in our quest to expand insurance coverage of prostate cancer screening, and that we must be even more committed to demanding change - change that can save lives.

With just a few clicks, you can help us demand change from our elected officials. Will you ask your legislators to support prostate cancer issues in the new year?

Yes I Will

2023 By the Numbers

The Counting Veterans' Cancer Act

Register Now for the 2024 ZERO Summit

The 2024 ZERO Summit is coming very soon! If you want to make an impact when it comes to prostate cancer legislation, joining us in Washington, D.C. is the best way to do so.

Studies show that in-person visits from constituents is by far the most effective way to sway a Member of Congress on an issue. So if we want Members of Congress to vote favorably on our bills or increase funding for prostate cancer research, we need you to come to DC and make it happen.

We are in a critical time with a lot going on in the world. That means we need our advocates to show up and make sure Congress does not forget about how vital our priorities are. Without advocates like you, important things like prostate cancer research do not get funded. Will you join us in making sure that will never happen? As the saying goes, showing up is half the battle.

Learn More

Can't make it to DC this February? Consider making a donation here to help our advocacy efforts.
