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Advocacy Newsletter: Veterans Day 2023

November Newsletter

One Year of the Veterans Advisory Board

One Year of the Veterans Advisory Board

A year ago, we launched our Veterans Advisory Board (VAB), composed of a highly motivated group of Veterans committed to helping find solutions for the issues Veterans with prostate cancer face. 1 in 5 Veterans are diagnosed with prostate cancer, making Veterans a group at highest risk for prostate cancer.

Over the past year, the VAB advised ZERO on a complete revamp of the Veterans 101 pamphlet, helping to create a product that is unique to Veterans and helping readers understand their risk and unique options for care. VAB members have also been working hard to disseminate information about prostate cancer to other Veterans in their communities by visiting local Veteran health facilities and attending events.

In May, ZERO staff and VAB members participated in the Department of Defense’s 50th Anniversary of the Vietnam War event on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. Vietnam Veterans are particularly hard hit by prostate cancer due to the prevalence of Agent Orange exposure. As part of the three-day event, our staff and volunteers provided information to Veterans and their families about the risk prostate cancer carries for them and their families.

Veterans Day Advocacy Update

Veterans Day Advocacy Update

In December 2022, President Biden signed legislation establishing a clinical pathway for prostate cancer within the Veterans Health Administration, the first step to ensuring that all Veterans have access to high-quality, evidence-based prostate cancer care when they need it, no matter where they live. ZERO staff has been working closely with the VA to ensure that implementation of that pathway is patient-centric and comprehensive, beginning with prostate cancer education, awareness, and screening, and running through advanced disease treatment and survivorship.

To help inform the process, ZERO facilitated two discussions between VA personnel and Veterans, exploring ways how the VA can improve healthcare for Veterans with prostate cancer. We’ll continue to work with the VA and other partners and look forward to the enactment of the pathway at the end of the year.

The Counting Veterans’ Cancer Act

The Counting Veterans’ Cancer Act

Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer among Veterans in America, with cancer rates that are nearly twice that of the general population.

Unfortunately, far too many Veterans with cancer are left uncounted by national cancer registries. We need accurate cancer numbers so doctors, scientists, and other health care providers can provide the best care and treatments for our Veterans.

That is why ZERO is proud to support S.1994, the Counting Veterans’ Cancer Act, introduced by Senators Mark Kelly (D-AZ) and Thom Tillis (R-NC). This bill seeks to ensure that Veterans with cancer are properly included in U.S. cancer statistics, helping identify cancer-related disparities among Veterans, improve the understanding of their cancer-related needs, and increase opportunities for Veterans with cancer to be included in research and clinical trials.

Contact Your Senators

Special Gift Match This Veterans Day

Special Gift Match This Veterans Day

Join us for an exciting opportunity to match your gift. All gifts made November 8-10 will be DOUBLE matched by the Jenkins family in support of high-risk Veterans and active military members.

Your gift will help ensure Veterans have the resources and health care needed to fight this disease.

Support Our Veterans

Resources for Vets

Prostate Cancer Resources for Veterans

Prostate Cancer Resources for Veterans

No one needs to face prostate cancer alone. From support groups, to MENtors and case management, ZERO has a variety of resources to help Veterans and their families who are affected by prostate cancer. » Visit Our Veterans Resource Page

Webinars for Vets

Webinars For Veterans

Watch ZERO’s Webinars For Veterans

Navigating the healthcare system for veterans can be overwhelming and complex. ZERO has several informative webinars on our YouTube Channel to break down benefits step by step and learn more about your risk for prostate cancer. » Watch Using Your VA Benefits» Watch What Veterans Need to Know About Prostate Cancer

Brochure for Vets

Veterans Prostate Cancer 101 Brochure

Veterans Prostate Cancer 101 Brochure

ZERO is proud to offer a Veterans Prostate Cancer 101 Brochure, a comprehensive starting point for veterans managing prostate cancer. You can learn about a wide range of crucial topics such as risk factors, early detection, healthcare options, and the prostate cancer journey from initial diagnosis to survivorship. » Read Our Veterans Prostate Cancer 101 Brochure
