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Advocacy Newsletter: Spring 2023

Advocacy Newsletter

Dear ZERO Advocates,

It's the most wonderful time of the year in Washington! Cherry blossoms are almost in bloom, daffodils and crocuses are poking their heads out of the ground, and Members of Congress are submitting their funding priorities to the Appropriations Committees. I know that, because of the dedication of our ZERO advocates, both the 120 who came to the Summit in-person last month and the many more raising their voices across the country, prostate cancer will be well-represented in those priorities. But the job isn't done we need your help, as you'll see below. Success in the 118th Congress promises to be an uphill climb, which means we have a hefty task in front of us. So strap on your comfortable shoes and grab your (virtual) megaphone, and let's get to work!

Here's to ending prostate cancer together.


Ali Manson

Ali Manson
VP, Government Relations & Advocacy

PCRP Update

It's federal appropriations season! Right now, a letter is circulating Congress in support of the Prostate Cancer Research Program, the single most successful research program for this disease, yielding numerous new treatments and diagnostics for advanced-stage prostate cancer. It is vital that we get the support we need to protect & grow federal investment into important research that saves men's lives. Click on the button below to tell your legislators to support the program.

Send a Message

Want to make a difference in prostate cancer research?

We are currently recruiting Consumer Reviewers for the Prostate Cancer Research Program! As a Consumer Reviewer, you will have an important role in how the PCRP reviews grant applications. By integrating patients and survivors into the scientific review process, the PCRP is able to improve the scientific review with a personal perspective, passion, and a sense of urgency that ensures the human dimension is incorporated in the research focus. Each year, ZERO nominates a group of patients and survivors to serve as Consumer Reviewers who lend their experiences to the program. To learn more about the requirements and responsibilities, click here. To hear from some current PCRP Consumer Reviewers about their experiences, check out this video from the 2022 Summit. If you are interested in being nominated and having a real impact on the research being conducted for prostate cancer, please email


Last year, Congressman Greg Murphy, M.D. (R-NC) and Bobby Rush (D-IL) introduced the Prostate Cancer Community Assistance, Research and Education Act, or PC-CARE Act. This bill would create a coordinating committee for prostate cancer research, bringing federal agencies, doctors, patients, caregivers, and patient groups to the table ensuring that there is alignment and cooperation on prostate cancer research, moving us towards a hopeful future that is free from this disease. With a new Congress being sworn in at the start of the year, it means that the PC-CARE Act needed re-introduction, and on March 1st, Congressman Murphy re-introduced the bill as H.R.1315. Click here to contact your Member of Congress to get the PC-CARE Act passed today!

Better Know an Advocate

Capitol Hill

Paul (right) and his group on Capitol Hill.

Paul Ninefeldt currently hails from Southern California but is originally a 'Yooper' from the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Diagnosed with prostate cancer at the very young age of 44, he found ZERO through its MENtor program, which was of great help during a scary and confusing time. He is now three years post-radical prostatectomy and mentors other newly-diagnosed younger men to help pay it forward. Paul also helps fundraise for the annual Greater Los Angeles Run/Walk, and of course, advocates on Capitol Hill. This was his first in-person Summit after two years of being virtual, so we asked him a few questions about his experience as an advocate.

Why did you decide to advocate with ZERO?

I have always been very interested in politics, having advocated for other causes which I am passionate about, such as Alzheimer's disease and animal welfare issues, so advocating with ZERO was a natural fit. As a prostate cancer survivor, it was easy to jump right in with ZERO's advocacy efforts.

What's your favorite part of advocating at the Summit?

After participating virtually for the last two years, being able to finally meet fellow advocates and ZERO staff in person was a phenomenal experience! The feeling of community and shared vision was strong and moving. To then walk to The Hill, together, and meet with our elected representatives was really gratifying, where we could hope to see all our efforts realized. This was democracy in action!

This was your first time being at an in-person Summit. What was that experience like for you?

While the virtual Summits were great and rewarding experiences, there is no substitute for in-person interactions. My time in the DC area was invaluable as an advocate and prostate cancer survivor. I had no idea how many like-minded advocates would be there! I quickly made multiple, lasting connections with fellow attendees, and already can't wait to see these friends again next year. Beyond our advocacy training and then efforts on The Hill, the amount of education we all received from top minds in the field of prostate cancer research and treatment was really impactful I filled my notebook! The staff ensured every detail was taken care of, which shouldn't have been a surprise, knowing what top-notch people ZERO employs in all departments. Finally, as a lifelong political junkie, literally walking the halls of Congress (with a funny story of a fellow advocate and I accidentally getting in the 'Members Only' elevator with a laughing and understanding congresswoman asking us 'which floor?') was an amazing highlight!

What advice would you give to someone who was interested in advocating?

If you are interested in advocating, reach out to the ZERO team. We always need more people on the front lines with us, talking to their representatives at all levels of government and letting them know how important this cause is to so many lives. We can and have made a difference when it comes to prostate cancer, and you can make a difference too!
