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Advocacy Newsletter: Fall 2023

Advocacy Newsletter

Dear ZERO Advocates,

It has been an exciting quarter for our efforts, with some ups and some downs that leave me with renewed energy going into the end of the year and (believe it or not) the beginning of new state legislative sessions. In the U.S. Senate, momentum for the PSA Screening for HIM Act is going strong, while the Governor of California reminded us why we're using a two-pronged strategy around prostate cancer screening access. Now more than ever we need your commitment and we need your stories. At the end of February, we'll be meeting in DC to take the needs of the prostate cancer community to Congress, with strong support for funding for research into new treatments and for increasing access to early detection - so we can save more lives and give more time to men and their loved ones. I hope you'll register for the Summit and join me.

Here's to ending prostate cancer together!


Ali Manson

Ali Manson
VP, Government Relations & Advocacy

Federal Legislative Update

Last month, Senators Cory Booker from New Jersey and John Boozman from Arkansas introduced S.2821, the Senate version of the PSA Screening for HIM Act. This bill, just like the version in the House, would ensure that men at high risk for prostate cancer can get screened without deductibles, copays, or coinsurances. Until now, we have only had a House version, meaning our efforts are doubled to pass this vital piece of legislation. To ask your legislators to support the PSA Screening for HIM Act, please click here:

Send a Message

State Legislative Update

While we work to pass the PSA Screening for HIM Act on the federal level, ZERO's government relations team have been working hard to pass similar legislation on the state level: a two-pronged strategy that builds momentum around prostate cancer screening access. We have numerous state-level initiatives in the works, but here are a few of the highlights (and a lowlight) from the past couple of months:

In our nation's capital, a DC City Council hearing was held for B25-0229, the Cost-Free Coverage for Prostate Cancer Screening Amendment Act of 2023. There is an urgent need to increase access to screening in Washington, DC, as the city leads the nation in prostate cancer death per capita. But through our efforts, we can remove one of the barriers to care and save lives through early detection. If you are a DC resident, you can reach out to your Councilmember in support of this legislation by following this link.

In Virginia, the state Health Insurance Reform Commission (HIRC) met in September to discuss HB 477. As expected, the Bureau of Insurance anticipated no state costs and the Commission voted to move our bill into step two of the HIRC process - which is a detailed review of social and financial costs and medical efficacy. One step closer!

In California, we received disappointing news. Governor Newsom vetoed our bill, AB 632, despite passing both the State Assembly and Senate unanimously. The veto was a reminder that we face powerful opponents with deep pockets in our quest to expand insurance coverage of prostate cancer screening, and that we must be even more committed to demanding change - change that can save lives.

This year's progress in California, even though we fell short, is a testament to the work of our advocates- you all sent over 1,000 messages in support of the bill. And next year, we'll be back and louder than ever because the prostate cancer community deserves nothing less.

Register Now for the 2024 ZERO Summit

The 2024 ZERO Summit is coming! If you want to make an impact when it comes to prostate cancer legislation, joining us in Washington, DC is the best way to do so.

Studies show that in-person visits from constituents is by far the most effective way to sway a Member of Congress on an issue.

So if we want Members of Congress to vote favorably on our bills or increase funding for prostate cancer research, we need you to come to DC and make it happen.

We are in a critical time with a lot going on in the world. That means we need our advocates to show up and make sure Congress does not forget about how vital our priorities are. Without advocates like you, important things like prostate cancer research do not get funded. Will you join us in making sure that will never happen? As the saying goes, showing up is half the battle.

Learn More

From now through Friday, registration is 50% off, so do not delay!
