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Prostate Cancer Drugs & Diagnostic Imaging Agents

Below you will find information and links for all available prostate cancer drugs and diagnostic agents, including: androgen deprivation and other hormone therapies, chemotherapy, immunotherapy and palliatives for advanced prostate cancer. The drugs are administered either orally, by intravenous injection, or by implanting under the skin. We have done our best to compile the latest information, but be sure to consult with your doctor before entering into any drug program.

A man sitting in a chair in the hospital receiving chemotherapy treatment

This chart includes a full list of drugs, therapies, palliatives, and imaging agents used in identifying and treating prostate cancer. To view this list by the clinical name instead of the brand, scroll down the page or click a link at the top to jump directly to a form of treatment.

ZERO Prostate Cancer does not endorse specific treatments. Always consult with your doctor before entering into any drug program.

While we have done our best to compile the latest information on FDA-approved medications and diagnostic imaging agents, the research community continues to find tools for prostate cancer, and the medical community continues to evolve its understanding of the disease. Be sure to subscribe to ZERO's monthly research newsletter to get the latest updates.

Common Treatments & Diagnostic Agents

table swipe hand icon
BrandClinical NameTypeDelivery MethodKey LinksGeneric Available?
AkeegaNiraparib and abiraterone acetate
Icon: target crosshairs

Targeted Therapies

Icon: pill


Info & Side Effects

Financial Aid

AxuminFluciclovine F 18
Icon: camera with medical cross overlay

Diagnostic Imaging

Icon: Injection needle


Info & Side Effects

Financial Aid

Icon: male symbol

Hormone Therapy

Icon: pill


Info & Side Effects
Icon: Yes (green check mark)


CamceviLeuprolide Mesylate
Icon: male symbol

Hormone Therapy

Icon: Injection needle


Info & Side Effects

Financial Aid

Icon: Chemotherapy


Icon: IV Bag


Info & Side Effects
Icon: Yes (green check mark)


EligardLeuprolide Acetate
Icon: male symbol

Hormone Therapy

Icon: Injection needle


Info & Side Effects 
Icon: male symbol

Hormone Therapy

Icon: pill


Info & Side Effects

Financial Aid

Icon: male symbol

Hormone Therapy

Icon: pill


Info & Side Effects
Icon: Yes (green check mark)


Icon: male symbol

Hormone Therapy

Icon: Injection needle


Info & Side Effects 
IlluccixGallium (Ga) 68 PSMA-11
Icon: camera with medical cross overlay

Diagnostic Imaging

Icon: Injection needle


Info & Side Effects

Financial Aid

Icon: Chemotherapy


Icon: IV Bag


Info & Side Effects

Financial Aid

Icon: Yes (green check mark)


Icon: blood vial


Icon: Injection needle


Info & Side Effects

Financial Aid

LocametzGallium (Ga) 68 PSMA-11
Icon: camera with medical cross overlay

Diagnostic Imaging

Icon: Injection needle


Info & Side Effects

Financial Aid

Lupron DepotLeuprolid Acetate
Icon: male symbol

Hormone Therapy

Icon: Injection needle


Info & Side Effects

Financial Aid

Icon: target crosshairs

Targeted Therapies

Icon: pill


Info & Side Effects

Financial Aid

Icon: male symbol

Hormone Therapy

Icon: pill


Info & Side Effects
Icon: Yes (green check mark)


Icon: Chemotherapy


Icon: IV Bag


Info & Side Effects
Icon: Yes (green check mark)


Icon: male symbol

Hormone Therapy

Icon: pill


Info & Side Effects

Financial Aid

Icon: male symbol

Hormone Therapy

Icon: pill


Info & Side Effects

Financial Aid

Icon: Chemotherapy


Icon: IV Bag


Info & Side Effects
Icon: Yes (green check mark)


PluvictoLutetium Lu 177 vipivotide tetraxetan
Icon: target crosshairs

Targeted Therapies

Icon: Injection needle


Info & Side Effects

Financial Aid

PoslumaFlotufolastat F 18
Icon: camera with medical cross overlay

Diagnostic Imaging

Icon: Injection needle


Info & Side Effects 
Icon: blood vial


Icon: IV Bag


Info & Side Effects

Financial Aid

PylarifyPiflufolastat F 18
Icon: camera with medical cross overlay

Diagnostic Imaging

Icon: Injection needle


Info & Side Effects

Financial Aid

Icon: target crosshairs

Targeted Therapies

Icon: pill


Info, Side Effects, & Financial Aid 
Icon: target crosshairs

Targeted Therapies

Icon: pill


Info & Side Effects

Financial Aid

Icon: Chemotherapy


Icon: IV Bag


Info & Side Effects
Icon: Yes (green check mark)


Icon: male symbol

Hormone Therapy

Icon: Injection needle


Info & Side Effects 
Icon: male symbol

Hormone Therapy



Info & Side Effects 
Icon: hip bones

Bone Targeting

Icon: Injection needle


Info & Side Effects

Financial Aid

Icon: nuclear symbol


Icon: Injection needle


Info & Side Effects

Financial Aid

Icon: male symbol

Hormone Therapy

Icon: pill


Info & Side Effects

Financial Aid

YonsaAbiraterone (abiraterone acetate)
Icon: male symbol

Hormone Therapy

Icon: pill


Info & Side Effects

Financial Aid

Icon: male symbol

Hormone Therapy

Icon: Injection needle


Info & Side Effects

Financial Aid

ZometaZolendronic acid
Icon: hip bones

Bone Targeting

Icon: IV Bag


Info & Side Effects
Icon: Yes (green check mark)

Zolendronic acid

ZytigaAbiraterone Acetate
Icon: male symbol

Hormone Therapy

Icon: pill


Info & Side Effects

Financial Aid

Icon: Yes (green check mark)

Abiraterone Acetate

* for more information on FDA-approved drugs for prostate cancer, visit the National Cancer Institute.

Abiraterone (abiraterone acetate)

Treatment Type: anti-androgen / novel hormone therapy 
Delivery Method: Oral 
Additional Treatment Information: 
Used to treat metastatic prostate cancer. Different brands may have different indications. 

Consumer Brand: Yonsa

Yonsa is approved along with a steroid to treat metastatic prostate cancer that is hormone-resistant (mHRPC), also known as "castrate-resistant," (mCRPC) disease.

Consumer Brand: Zytiga

Zytiga is approved to treat metastatic prostate cancer that is hormone-resistant (mHRPC), also known as "castrate-resistant," (mCRPC) disease.

Zytiga is also approved along with androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) to treat metastatic prostate cancer that is hormone-sensitive (mHSPC), also known as "castrate-sensitive," (mCSPC).


Treatment Type: anti-androgen / novel hormone therapy
Delivery Method: Oral
Additional Treatment Information:
Used along with androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) to treat metastatic hormone-sensitive prostate cancer (mHSPC). 

It is also used to treat prostate cancer that has not metastasized and is hormone-resistant (nmHRPC), also known as non-metastatic castrate-resistant prostate cancer (nmCRPC).

Consumer Brand: Erleada


Treatment Type: Hormone therapy 
Delivery Method: Oral 
Additional Treatment Information: 
Used with LHRH agonists to treat metastatic prostate cancer

Consumer Brand: Casodex


Treatment Type: Hormone therapy 
Delivery Method: Oral 
Additional Treatment Information: 
Used along with ADT to treat non-metastatic prostate cancer that is hormone-resistant (nmHRPC), also known as castrate-resistant (nmCRPC). 

It is also used along with ADT and docetaxel to treat metastatic prostate cancer that is hormone-sensitive (mHSPC), also known as castrate-sensitive (mCSPC). 

Consumer Brand: Nubeqa


Treatment Type: Hormone therapy 
Delivery Method: Injection 
Additional Treatment Information: 
Used to treat advanced prostate cancer.

Consumer Brand: Firmagon


Treatment Type: Hormone therapy 
Delivery Method: Oral 
Additional Treatment Information: 
Used to treat prostate cancer that is hormone-resistant (HRPC), also known as castrate-resistant (CRPC).

It is also used along with ADT to treat metastatic prostate cancer that is hormone-sensitive (mHSPC), also known as castrate-sensitive (mCSPC).

It is also used to treat non-metastatic prostate cancer that is hormone-sensitive (nmHSPC), also known as castrate-sensitive (nmCSPC, and is in biochemical recurrence and at high risk for metastasis.

Consumer Brand: Xtandi


Treatment Type: Hormone therapy 
Delivery Method: Oral 
Additional Treatment Information: 
Used with LHRH agonists to treat locally advanced or metastatic prostate cancer.

Consumer Brand: Eulexin


Treatment Type: Hormone therapy 
Delivery Method: Injection 
Additional Treatment Information: 
Used with flutamide and radiation therapy to treat localized prostate cancer.

It is also used as a palliative treatment in advanced prostate cancer.

Consumer Brand: Zoladex


Treatment Type: Hormone therapy 
Delivery Method: Implant 
Additional Treatment Information: 
Used to treat advanced prostate cancer.

Consumer Brand: Vantas


Treatment Type: Hormone therapy 
Delivery Method: Injection 
Additional Treatment Information: 
Used to treat advanced prostate cancer.

Consumer Brand: Trelstar


Chemo travels through the bloodstream to find and kill cancer cells. Because it is a systemic treatment (meaning it affects the whole body, including healthy cells), it can cause significant side effects. Learn more about how chemotherapy works and is distinct from other forms of treatment.


Treatment Type: Chemotherapy 
Delivery Method: Infusion 
Additional Treatment Information: 
Used along with prednisone (steroid) to treat metastatic prostate cancer that is hormone-resistant (mHRPC), also known as castrate-resistant (mCRPC), and has already been treated with docetaxel (chemotherapy)

Consumer Brand: Jevtana


Treatment Type: Chemotherapy 
Delivery Method: Infusion 
Additional Treatment Information: 
Used in combination with docetaxel or cabazitaxel in some aggressive metastatic prostate cancers

Consumer Brand: Paraplatin


Treatment Type: Chemotherapy 
Delivery Method: Infusion 
Additional Treatment Information: 
Used in combination with docetaxel or cabazitaxel in some aggressive metastatic prostate cancers

Consumer Brand: Cisplatin (generic)


Treatment Type: Chemotherapy 
Delivery Method: Infusion 
Additional Treatment Information: 
Used to treat metastatic prostate cancer that is hormone-resistant (mHRPC), also known as castrate-resistant (mCRPC)

Consumer Brand: Taxotere

Mitoxantrone hydrochloride

Treatment Type: Chemotherapy 
Delivery Method: Infusion 
Additional Treatment Information: 
Used as a palliative treatment for metastatic prostate cancer that is hormone-resistant (mHRPC), also known as castrate-resistant (mCRPC)

Consumer Brand: Novantrone

Targeted Therapies

This class of treatments identify a particular genetic component of prostate cancer tumors, and interfere with the specific molecules that drive the growth of the tumor. Learn more about how targeted therapies work and are distinct from other forms of treatment.

Lutetium Lu 177 vipivotide tetraxetan

Treatment Type: Targeted therapy 
Delivery Method: Injection 
Additional Treatment Information: 
A type of targeted therapy known as radioligand therapy (RLT). 

Used to deliver radiation directly to PSMA positive (+) cells in prostate cancer that overproduces the PSMA protein and is hormone-resistant (mHRPC), also known as castrate-resistant (mCRPC).

Consumer Brand: Pluvicto

Niraparib and abiraterone acetate

Treatment Type: Targeted therapy 
Delivery Method: Oral 
Additional Treatment Information: 
Combination drug used to treat those with a BRCA gene mutation and metastatic prostate cancer that is hormone-resistant (mHRPC), also known as castrate-resistant (mCRPC)

Consumer Brand: Akeega


Treatment Type: Targeted therapy 
Delivery Method: Oral 
Additional Treatment Information: 
A type of targeted therapy drug called a PARP inhibitor.

Used to treat metastatic prostate cancer that is hormone-resistant (mHRPC), also known as castrate-resistant (mCRPC). Used:

  • Alone in those with certain germline or somatic gene mutations involved in the homologous recombination repair (hRR) pathway
  • With abiraterone and a steroid in those with BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene mutations

Consumer Brand: Lynparza


Treatment Type: Targeted therapy 
Delivery Method: Oral 
Additional Treatment Information: 
A type of targeted therapy drug called a PARP inhibitor.

Used to treat those with an HRR (homologous recombination repair) gene mutation & metastatic prostate cancer that is hormone-resistant (mHRPC), also known as castrate-resistant (mCRPC); used only in combination with enzalutamide

Consumer Brand: Talzenna

Immunotherapy (Biologic Therapies)

A whole-body treatment that attempts to activate your immune system so that it will seek and destroy cancer cells, just as it does with other forms of illness within the body. Some forms of immunotherapy are created in a lab, others work with materials already in your body. Learn more about how immunotherapies work and are distinct from other forms of treatment.


Treatment Type: Immunotherapy 
Delivery Method: Injection 
Additional Treatment Information: 
Used to treat metastatic cancer patients that have microsatellite instability-high (MSI-H) or mismatch repair deficient (dMMR) tumors, as determined by an FDA-approved biomarker test, that has progressed following prior treatment and with no satisfactory alternative treatment options

Consumer Brand: Keytruda


Radioactive treatments that are injected into the body, spreading through the bloodstream and targeting cancer cells. Learn more about how radio-pharmaceuticals work and are distinct from other forms of treatment.


Treatment Type: Radiopharmaceutical 
Delivery Method: Injection 
Additional Treatment Information: 
Used to treat prostate cancer that has metastasized (spread) to the bones but not other organs. 

It is also used to reduce pain from bone metastases.

Consumer Brand: Xofigo

Lutetium Lu 177 vipivotide tetraxetan

Treatment Type: Radiopharmaceutical
Delivery Method: Injection 
Additional Treatment Information: 
Pluvicto is both a targeted therapy and a radiopharmaceutical, see its details in the "Targeted Therapies" section of this page.

Consumer Brand: Pluvicto

Bone Targeting Agents

Treatments meant to strengthen the bones, helping offset the damage and pain caused by prostate cancer that has spread through the body. Learn more about how bone targeting agents work and are distinct from other forms of treatment.


Treatment Type: Bone Targeting Agents 
Delivery Method: Injection 
Additional Treatment Information: 
Used in patients with bone metastases to reduce the risk of bone complications such as breaks or fractures, and to relieve bone pain.

Consumer Brand: Xgeva

Zolendronic acid

Treatment Type: Bone Targeting Agents 
Delivery Method: Infusion 
Additional Treatment Information: 
Used in patients with bone metastases to reduce the risk of bone complications such as breaks or fractures, and to relieve bone pain.

Consumer Brand: Zometa

Flotufolastat F 18

Treatment Type: Diagnostic Imaging Agents 
Delivery Method: Injection 
Additional Treatment Information: 
detects PSMA positive lesions; used with PET imaging for suspected metastasis or suspected recurrence

Consumer Brand: Posluma

Fluciclovine F 18

Treatment Type: Diagnostic Imaging Agents 
Delivery Method: Injection 
Additional Treatment Information: 
used with PET imaging for men with prior treatment for PCa and rising PSA levels

Consumer Brand: Axumin
