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ZERO Prostate Cancer Statement on Alonzo Mourning's Prostate Cancer Announcement

NBA All-Star and Champion, Alonzo Mourning, a black man wearing a grey suit and blue tie with his fist in the air against a black background

"ZERO Prostate Cancer commends NBA legend Alonzo Mourning for his courageous decision to share his prostate cancer journey publicly. His candid interview with ESPN serves as a rallying cry for men everywhere to take charge of their prostate health through early detection.

Mourning's powerful message cuts through the noise – understanding risk factors, knowing your family history, and getting tested regularly are the keys to getting ahead of this disease. His words carry even greater urgency for Black men, who face the highest risk of developing prostate cancer.

By bravely opening up about his prostate cancer diagnosis, Mourning is shattering the harmful stigma that has long surrounded prostate cancer. His voice is a beacon of hope, inspiring men to have open and honest conversations about their health without fear or shame.

ZERO Prostate Cancer stands alongside Mourning with a shared mission to save lives. We echo his urgent call to action – know your risk, get tested, and take control of your prostate health. With Mourning's impactful story, we know that more men will heed his message, and more lives will be saved from this disease."

—Courtney Bugler, ZERO Prostate Cancer CEO & President

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