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ZEROHour Prostate Cancer Newsletter

November Newsletter

Caring For Our Caregivers: You Are Not Alone

Caring For Our Caregivers: You Are Not Alone

November is Caregiver Month and we are celebrating all of you unsung heroes in the battle against prostate cancer. Caregivers silently bear financial, emotional, and other types of labor in support of their loved ones. ZERO is here for you and recognizes the challenges that caregivers face every day.

To help, we offer various forms of support including our Caregiver's Guide, Support Groups, and educational videos to help you every step of the way. Above all, we want to emphasize you are never alone.

Read Our Caregiving Resources

Prostate Cancer Resources for Veterans

Prostate Cancer Resources for Veterans

As we also celebrate Veteran's Day this month, it is important to remember the impact prostate cancer has on many of our veterans; 1 in 5 veterans will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime. At ZERO, we have a variety of educational resources to make healthcare accessible and easier to navigate as a veteran affected by prostate cancer. Watch informative webinars such as Using Your VA Benefits and What Veterans Need to Know About Prostate Cancer on our YouTube Channel.

ZERO is proud to offer a Veterans Prostate Cancer 101 Brochure, a comprehensive starting point for veterans managing prostate cancer. You can learn about a wide range of crucial topics such as risk factors, early detection, healthcare options, and the prostate cancer journey from initial diagnosis to survivorship.

We hope to empower veterans with knowledge, ensuring that they are well-equipped to engage in meaningful conversations with their healthcare providers, understand treatment options, and actively participate in their own care plans.

It's our way of honoring the service of our veterans and helping them live healthier, more informed lives in their post-service years.

Visit Our Veterans Resource Page

Register Now for the 2024 ZERO Summit in Washington, D.C.

Register Now for the 2024 ZERO Summit

Calling all advocates to attend the 2024 ZERO Advocacy Summit and share your story with your elected official. If you want to make an impact on critical prostate cancer research, join us in Washington, D.C. on Feb 25-27. We know that caregivers and Veterans both bring unique perspectives on the prostate cancer experience and your stories are vital to the cause.

Studies show that in-person visits from constituents is by far the most effective way to sway a Member of Congress on an issue. As the saying goes, showing up is half the battle. Don't miss this opportunity to come together with other passionate advocates from across the country to make sure your voices are heard on the life-saving difference research funding makes for patients and families.

Summit Registration

"I Am A Victor, Not a Victim"

I Am A Victor

At just 39 years old, Charlie Stoothoff heard devastating news; he had Stage 2 prostate cancer. Although shocking for anyone to hear, Charlie's spirit was unbreakable. He overcame his initial anxiety about his diagnosis and decided to take action. After learning about ZERO's mission, he decided to become more involved with the organization. He started by participating in one of ZERO's run/walks to fundraise for a cause close to his heart. His passion for helping others led him to join ZERO's MENtor program so he could offer support to other men affected by prostate cancer. He recently sat down with Patient Power to share his thoughts, feelings, and insights as a prostate cancer patient.

Read the Full Story

Challenges in the Fight for Prostate Screening Access

Challenges in the Fight for Prostate Screening Access

When it comes to politics and policy, the journey to passing legislation is rarely straightforward. As we fight for federal legislation that would remove cost-sharing for prostate cancer screening, we have been working tirelessly across the country to pass similar bills on the state level, a two-pronged strategy that builds momentum around prostate cancer screening access.

Unfortunately, the news cannot always be good. In California, Governor Newsom vetoed our bill, AB 632, despite passing both the State Assembly and Senate unanimously. The veto was a reminder that we face powerful opponents with deep pockets in our quest to expand insurance coverage of prostate cancer screening, and that we must be even more committed to demanding change - change that can save lives.

This year's progress in California, even though we fell short, is a testament to the work of our advocates- our advocates sent over 1,000 messages in support of the bill. And next year, we'll be back and louder than ever because the prostate cancer community deserves nothing less.

What's New: PSMA PET Imaging Webinar Now Available to View

PSMA PET Imaging Webinar Now Available to View

ZERO's Vice President of Patient Programs & Education, Shelby Moneer, moderated a Facebook Live discussion with Dr. Alain Chaglassian, a Medical Director from Blue Earth Diagnostics focusing on the latest advancements in PSMA PET Imaging. Blue Earth has recently received FDA approval on POSLUMA, an injectable diagnostic tool for PET Imaging used for patients with either suspected metastasis or a recurrence of prostate cancer. POSLUMA provides a more comprehensive view of the disease, revealing previously unnoticed areas. It can offer more actionable clinical information that surpasses conventional scanning options employed in previous years. Based on Blue Earth's studies, 91% of patients experienced significant treatment plan modifications based on the POSLUMA scan. Discover more on our YouTube Channel to access this informative video and determine if POSLUMA is right for you.

Watch Now

(This content is provided in partnership with Blue Earth Diagnostics)

Grow & Give

Register for Summit 2024

Grow & Give: It's Not Too Late!

Registration is open for Grow & Give. Make sure you don't miss your chance to rock that handlebar mustache, icy blue manicure, blue-streaked hairdo, or do something all your own!

We are kicking off Grow & Give, the only hairy November campaign where all proceeds benefit prostate cancer patients and families, this month. Get involved on your own, with your colleagues, or with your community.

However you choose to participate, you are making a difference in the lives of others.» Register Now

Veteran's Day

Veteran's Day

Special Gift Match this Veteran's Day

Join us for an exciting opportunity to match your gift. All gifts made November 8-10 will be double matched by the Jenkins family in support of high-risk Veterans and active military members.

Your gift will help ensure Veterans have the resources and health care needed to fight this disease. » Donate to Support Veterans

PCAM in Review



Thank you for banding together during Prostate Cancer Awareness Month to help spread one critically important message: early detection saves lives.

During September, more than 550 individuals took the "Am I At Risk?" quiz, ZERO Prostate Cancer Day raised more than $44,000 triple matched to $132,000, our new best-in-class website launched, making it easier than ever for patients and families to find support, and more than 20 awareness, educational, and free screening events took place nationwide. » Visit Our Website


Side Effects Webinar Series

Side Effects Webinar Series

Prostate cancer treatments can bring a variety of side effects. Sexual function, bowel function, and urinary function may be impacted. Thankfully, new side effect risk reduction and treatment strategies exist. Join Dr. Ryan Owen and Dr. Dean Laganosky for this two-part webinar series on Nov. 28 and 29 as they provide an overview of prostate cancer side effect risk reduction and treatment advances that can improve the lives of those impacted by prostate cancer. » Register for the Webinar Series
(This content is provided in partnership with Boston Scientific)

Support for this newsletter provided by Janssen Oncology

