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What’s That Red Wristband All About?

We at ZERO are lucky to have hundreds of Champions for our mission, men and women dedicated to ending prostate cancer and to achieving Generation ZERO. How do we celebrate them? We start with the red ZERO wristband.

Old red wristbands for zero

“I proudly wear my ZERO wristband as a reminder of what – and whom – we’re fighting for, and this year my goal is to continue to educate, encourage screening, and raise funds for further research that will hopefully lead to an end to this disease.” – Juan Batres, ZERO’s Hero

I’ve handed out thousands of wristbands to people interested in spreading the word. ZERO Champions wear theirs proudly, and most even use it to start a conversation about prostate cancer. What better way to encourage a man to get tested or a woman to talk to her husband or sons about their risk? One red wristband is all it takes to have a conversation, to help save lives.

Early detection is critical: one in eight men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer this year. Ensuring that men know the risks for the disease and take charge of their health will get us one step closer to ending the pain and suffering. With each red wristband, we’re closer to realizing Generation ZERO – the first generation free from prostate cancer. Can we count you in to spread the word during Prostate Cancer Awareness Month and beyond?


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