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Mustachio Bashio for ZERO!

ZERO Prostate Cancer is constantly growing in support because of wonderful supporters spreading the word about early detection and the resources ZERO offers. Trevor Cohen and Alex Parker wanted to make an impact in their community and so they decided to create a fundraising event for ZERO called Mustachio Bashio.

Two men wearing fake mustaches posing in front of the camera

Cohen and Parker launched the event when they were in college for their fraternity. Back then, it was just a fun event where their friends could come together and have a good time. After graduation Trevor and Alex decided to bring this event home, but attach a meaningful cause. After looking into organizations that were related to men’s health, they found ZERO Prostate Cancer. They were impressed with the work we do and the impact that ZERO is making in men’s lives throughout the country.

On January 18th, Trevor, Alex, and their friends and family all gathered at Woodies Flat in downtown Chicago, where they drank craft beer and held a fundraising raffle. The event raised more than $2,000 which will help ZERO fund our patient programs such as ZERO360 Patient Navigation and our MENtor program. It was truly touching to ZERO to see these two men take an idea and turn it into this amazing event to spread awareness for men’s health and early detection.

Thank you to Trevor and Alex for truly making a profound impact in Chicago. We can’t wait to see what the 2020 event will bring!


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Emily Sybrant, Regional Director, Central/Western Chapters
Emily Sybrant, Former Staff (Director, Regional Chapters)

Emily was Director of Regional Chapters at ZERO Cancer from 2018-2024.

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