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Health Disparities in Prostate Cancer for Black Men

Prostate cancer survivor Robert Ginyard at a 2020 event

Urologist Dr. Kelvin Moses and prostate cancer survivor Robert Ginyard delve into the historical disparities surrounding prostate cancer. They explore actionable steps to bridge these gaps, highlighting the potential of immunotherapy as a game-changer in this pursuit.



Dr. Kelvin Moses
Kelvin Moses, MD, PhD, Member, Board of Directors

Dr. Kelvin A. Moses is an Associate Professor of Urologic Surgery at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, and director of the Comprehensive Prostate Cancer Clinic.

Robert Ginyard
Robert Ginyard, Board of Directors

Robert serves on the ZERO Board of Directors, and is the emcee of ZERO’s annual Advocacy Summit, where he engages attendees to share their stories year after year.
