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Research Suggests How Tumors Evolve to Become Aggressive Form of Prostate Cancer


The genetic changes that underlie an especially lethal type of prostate cancer have been revealed in a new study by investigators at Weill Cornell Medicine. Learning more about what causes this type of cancer, called neuroendocrine prostate cancer (NEPC), could lead to new approaches for treating it.

Most early-stage prostate cancers require male hormones (androgens) like testosterone to grow. However, as they advance, they may evolve into castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC), a type that can grow without hormones and is harder to treat. NEPC is one type of CRPC.  The findings, published June 7 in Nature Communications, revealed important findings about the basic biological actions that lead to this cancer. Dr. Nicholas Brady, an instructor in Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, and Dr. Alyssa Bagadion, a Weill Cornell Graduate School doctoral student in the Rickman lab at the time of the study, are co-first authors on the study.

Read the full article here. 
