Where are they now? Catching up with former Buckeye Dimitrious Stanley October 24, 2019 Since playing football, Stanley has dabbled in all sorts of things. Of course, he was a TFF analyst on The Football Fever. He always wore those flashy outfits.Now – he’s recently launched a new clothing line called “Undefeated.” For Stanley, the timing of the new line has taken on a more personal meaning.“I was diagnosed with prostate cancer. A very aggressive prostate cancer, ” said Stanley.Read more about Dimitrious’s journey. Prostate Cancer News Spreading Awareness More for you
Since playing football, Stanley has dabbled in all sorts of things. Of course, he was a TFF analyst on The Football Fever. He always wore those flashy outfits.Now – he’s recently launched a new clothing line called “Undefeated.” For Stanley, the timing of the new line has taken on a more personal meaning.“I was diagnosed with prostate cancer. A very aggressive prostate cancer, ” said Stanley.Read more about Dimitrious’s journey.