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She Found Out She Had Prostate Cancer



— Then Eve Gammill, a transgender woman, fully embraced her feminine identity

Eve Gammill quote

Eve Gammill, 63, a retired coastal scientist from League City, Texas, was born and raised in Idaho Falls, Idaho. Local ranchers call the desert nearby "The Big Quiet." In keeping with the landscape, Gammill had her secrets.

Gammill was born and named Steven in the Sacred Heart Hospital run by the Church of Latter Day Saints and raised as a Methodist. "I was the third of five male children. At least, I was assigned male at birth," said Gammill.

Read more about Eve's journey to transition, battle prostate cancer, and her influence to change the name of a ZERO/UsToo support group from the Gay Man's Forum to the LGBTQIA Forum.


Source: Howard Wolinsky - Medpage Today

