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102 Members of Congress Sign 2018 King-Bishop Dear Colleague Letter

A snapshot of the FY2018 King Bishop letter

Because of our advocates' hard work on the Hill and persistent calls and emails, we were able to secure 102 members of the House of Representatives to sign the Fiscal Year (FY) 2018 King-Bishop Dear Colleague Letter! Gathering over 100 signatures, including 41 new members, shows the House Appropriations Committee that there is strong bipartisan support for a sustained $90M funding level for the Prostate Cancer Research Program (PCRP) at the Department of Defense.

Our work is not done! The next step in the FY 2018 appropriations process, is a "Dear Colleague" letter to the Senate Appropriations Committee. We will update you as soon as the process begins in the Senate.

You can view the final copy of the King-Bishop letter here.

Thank you for your continued dedication to prostate cancer advocacy.
