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Share Your Story

The journey to ZERO prostate cancer doesn’t happen alone. Your experiences can inspire hope and bold action, and your insight is a crucial way to help direct research and funding to where it's needed most.

African American man wearing a white baseball hat and smiling at the camera

Your story matters. We want to hear about your prostate cancer experience, the ups and downs, the moments of fear and uncertainty, and the moments of hope and triumph. By sharing your journey, you show others that they are not alone and inspire crucially needed support for the entire prostate cancer community.

Want to share your insights without amplifying your personal story publicly? Connect with ZERO to receive opportunities to shape the future direction of research and patient support. Scientists, academics, and policy makers often come to the ZERO community for insight that helps them target limited funding to where it will have the most impact in the fight to end prostate cancer.

How It Works

After you've shared your contact information, you'll be directed to a second form where you can share details about your personal testimony. We'll help amplify your message to a community of patients, survivors, and their loved ones who need to know that they are not alone. Visit the Meet Your ZERO Community page to read the stories of fellow heroes who've bravely shared their journeys of hope, resilience, and strength in the fight against prostate cancer.

  • Current Step 1: Your Contact Details
  • Step 2: Your Personal Journey
  • Complete

Step 1: Your Contact Details

I am a...
I (or the patient that I care/cared for) currently have
I (or the patient that I care/cared for) primarily receive care in

 (please select all that apply)

I (or the patient that I care/cared for) have been enrolled in a clinical trial for prostate cancer

Step 2: Your Personal Journey

Where do you live?
Privacy Permissions

Please note that by submitting your story, you are giving ZERO permission to use this information to be featured on our website and/or print and digital materials. We reserve the right to edit submissions before publication.

By completing the contact form above, you'll join ZERO's opt-in mailing lists for research and survey opportunities. Your data will be stored securely, and will not be sold or shared with external organizations, in accordance with ZERO's privacy policy.

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While I can’t change what happened to my family, I want to help yours and other families nationwide give their fathers, grandfathers, uncles, brothers, and sons a fighting chance.

— Yvonne Poindexter, widow and prostate cancer advocate
African American woman wearing a blue cap and a blue t-shirt