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Tracy Cesaretti

Vice President, Events & Peer-to-Peer Fundraising
ZERO Prostate Cancer
Tracy Cesaretti, Vice President, Events

Tracy could plan your next event in five minutes flat. She’s ZERO’s resident events nerd and has a head for fundraising and a heart for the cause; no job is too small when she’s knee-deep in race season.

A true Chicagoan at heart, Tracy spent the early years of her career producing triathlons and running events in the Windy City. In 2008, she was given the opportunity she’d been dreaming of: to help fight prostate cancer – a disease with which both of her grandfathers had been diagnosed – by helping develop a Run/Walk program from scratch. Her passion for ZERO and for growing the Run/Walk series from its inception is eclipsed only by her passion for her family and for eradicating the disease that could potentially affect her two sons.

When she’s not busy keeping ZERO’s race series running smoothly and securing local sponsorships in each and every city, Tracy’s probably playing with her boys, reading a good book, or finding a few minutes in her busy day to go for a run. She’s never met an event she didn’t like. In fact, if you ask her she’ll tell you that the busier the event, the better. Want to know how to keep your next shindig on track? Shoot her a note here.
