One Pager: Prostate Cancer Fact Sheet (PDF) Jump To Jump To Full Text Online Preview Printable Version Download the PDF This one-page document summarizes basic facts about prostate cancer, including mortality rates, national statistics, survivorship, testing, and more. Download the PDF Online Preview Document Full TextProstate Cancer Fact SheetNational NumbersMore than 3.3 million men are living with prostate cancer in the U.S.313,780 American men are expected to be diagnosed with prostate cancer this year and 35,770 are expected to die from the disease.MortalityProstate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in men.Every 15 minutes another American man dies from prostate cancer.Diagnosis1 in 8 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in his lifetime.That number increases to 1 in 6 for Black/African American men.Several factors increase a person's risk of being diagnosed with prostate cancer, including age, African ancestry, and family history of cancer.Health EquityBlack/African American men are 1.7 times more likely to be diagnosed with prostate cancer than White men.Black/African American men are 2.1 times more likely to die from prostate cancer than White men.Black men in the U.S. and Caribbean have the highest prostate cancer incidence (diagnosis) rates.VeteransProstate cancer is the most common cancer diagnosis among U.S. Veterans.Military personnel are twice as likely to be diagnosed with prostate cancer as the general public.Survival RatesThe relative 5-year survival rate for prostate cancer diagnosed in its earliest stages is nearly 100%. The survival rate for advanced disease drops to 37%.GeneticsGenetic factors may play a role in a prostate cancer diagnosis. A BRCA gene mutation, most commonly known in breast cancer, has also been linked to prostate cancer and ovarian cancer.Genetic, or hereditary, prostate cancer is thought to make up approximately 10% of all prostate cancer diagnoses.ScreeningScreening for prostate cancer is quick and easy and is done with a simple blood test, and possibly a physical exam:A PSA (prostate-specific antigen) blood test measures the amount of PSA in the blood.A DRE (digital rectal exam) is performed by a healthcare provider using a gloved, lubricated finger to feel the prostate for abnormalities.TestingIf the results of a PSA blood test or a DRE come back abnormal, the healthcare provider may recommend a biopsy. The only way to confirm prostate cancer is with a biopsy.PreventionExercising regularly, maintaining a healthy weight, and eating a heart-healthy diet can help reduce the risk of a prostate cancer diagnosis. Document detailsDownload the Prostate Cancer Fact Sheet (PDF)Online View (FlippingBook)Print details: One page, formatted for print to standard office paper (“letter” size, 8.5x11).Mail requests: One page, single-sided. Arrives on standard laser printer paper, full color. Prostate Cancer Fact Sheet Request Free Printed Materials You have the power to make an impact in your community by spreading the word about prostate cancer! Request FREE printed versions of this and other educational materials, sent directly to you for use in support group meetings, doctors offices, health fairs, and more. Request free Educational Materials Downloadable Materials Request Educational Materials Request Educational Materials Recursos de ZERO para pacientes y cuidadores (PDF, Español) No está solo. ZERO ofrece recursos de ayuda gratuitos a aquellas personas que padecen cáncer de próstata. Recursos de ZERO para pacientes y cuidadores. ZERO’s Patient & Caregiver Resources (PDF, English) Caregiver Tips and Resources (PDF) Join or Lead a Support Group (PDF) Newly Diagnosed Prostate Cancer Guide (PDF)
Printable Version Download the PDF This one-page document summarizes basic facts about prostate cancer, including mortality rates, national statistics, survivorship, testing, and more. Download the PDF Online Preview
Document Full TextProstate Cancer Fact SheetNational NumbersMore than 3.3 million men are living with prostate cancer in the U.S.313,780 American men are expected to be diagnosed with prostate cancer this year and 35,770 are expected to die from the disease.MortalityProstate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in men.Every 15 minutes another American man dies from prostate cancer.Diagnosis1 in 8 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in his lifetime.That number increases to 1 in 6 for Black/African American men.Several factors increase a person's risk of being diagnosed with prostate cancer, including age, African ancestry, and family history of cancer.Health EquityBlack/African American men are 1.7 times more likely to be diagnosed with prostate cancer than White men.Black/African American men are 2.1 times more likely to die from prostate cancer than White men.Black men in the U.S. and Caribbean have the highest prostate cancer incidence (diagnosis) rates.VeteransProstate cancer is the most common cancer diagnosis among U.S. Veterans.Military personnel are twice as likely to be diagnosed with prostate cancer as the general public.Survival RatesThe relative 5-year survival rate for prostate cancer diagnosed in its earliest stages is nearly 100%. The survival rate for advanced disease drops to 37%.GeneticsGenetic factors may play a role in a prostate cancer diagnosis. A BRCA gene mutation, most commonly known in breast cancer, has also been linked to prostate cancer and ovarian cancer.Genetic, or hereditary, prostate cancer is thought to make up approximately 10% of all prostate cancer diagnoses.ScreeningScreening for prostate cancer is quick and easy and is done with a simple blood test, and possibly a physical exam:A PSA (prostate-specific antigen) blood test measures the amount of PSA in the blood.A DRE (digital rectal exam) is performed by a healthcare provider using a gloved, lubricated finger to feel the prostate for abnormalities.TestingIf the results of a PSA blood test or a DRE come back abnormal, the healthcare provider may recommend a biopsy. The only way to confirm prostate cancer is with a biopsy.PreventionExercising regularly, maintaining a healthy weight, and eating a heart-healthy diet can help reduce the risk of a prostate cancer diagnosis.
Document detailsDownload the Prostate Cancer Fact Sheet (PDF)Online View (FlippingBook)Print details: One page, formatted for print to standard office paper (“letter” size, 8.5x11).Mail requests: One page, single-sided. Arrives on standard laser printer paper, full color.
Request Free Printed Materials You have the power to make an impact in your community by spreading the word about prostate cancer! Request FREE printed versions of this and other educational materials, sent directly to you for use in support group meetings, doctors offices, health fairs, and more. Request free Educational Materials
Request Educational Materials Recursos de ZERO para pacientes y cuidadores (PDF, Español) No está solo. ZERO ofrece recursos de ayuda gratuitos a aquellas personas que padecen cáncer de próstata. Recursos de ZERO para pacientes y cuidadores. ZERO’s Patient & Caregiver Resources (PDF, English) Caregiver Tips and Resources (PDF) Join or Lead a Support Group (PDF) Newly Diagnosed Prostate Cancer Guide (PDF)