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Caregivers & Loved Ones

Caring for someone with prostate cancer can be very difficult. You are not alone.

Prostate cancer patient, Mark Hagenbuch, and his wife

The term "caregiver" describes the informal, unpaid role of taking care of a loved one with a serious disease or disability. Caregivers can be friends or family of someone with prostate cancer. They may take on many roles. When someone you love is diagnosed with prostate cancer, you may find that you quickly have to become an information specialist, financial advisor, medical translator, and a source for emotional support. ZERO celebrates the role you play and respects what you do to support your loved one with prostate cancer.

African American heterosexual couple sitting on a porch and hugging

Caregiving at the time of diagnosis

A prostate cancer diagnosis can be scary. There are usually no symptoms at the time of diagnosis, so hearing the words ‘you have prostate cancer’ may be a shock. It is okay to let yourself be upset and fearful. Let your loved one take the time he needs to work through the news while you provide support.

Caregiver Support Groups

You provide emotional support to your loved one, but his journey can be tough on you, too. Consider finding emotional support for yourself in the form of a friend, counselor, or support group. There are many services and programs available to help caregivers. We encourage you to take advantage of these resources for yourself.

Caregiver Megan Robertson

Conversations with caregivers: A town hall

Caregivers play a pivotal role in the prostate cancer journey. ZERO’s Vice President of Patient Programs and Education, Shelby Moneer and a panel of caregivers engage in a casual conversation, sharing their experiences.

Additional resources

There are so many wonderful resources for caregivers, both at ZERO and beyond.
