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We Are BOLD for BLUE: Best Moments of ZERO's 2020 Bold for Blue Awards

Bold For Blue Award 2020

On Sunday, February 23rd we rolled out the blue carpet for the 2nd Annual Bold for Blue Awards - the special occasion when we acknowledge and celebrate our boldest fundraisers and those who have the greatest impact in our mission to end prostate cancer. It was my honor and pleasure to co-host the ceremony with Jamie Bearse, ZERO’s CEO and Don Slaght, member of ZERO’s Board of Directors and prostate cancer survivor. 

From the stage, we had the privilege to witness the reactions of the winners and feel the emotion as the crowd erupted in cheers waving blue pom poms and clanging cowbells. You could feel the pride emanating from the audience - all of us Bold for Blue and committed to ending prostate cancer! Here are some of my favorite moments of this year’s ceremony: 

Attendees at the Bold for Blue Awards 2020

This dapper family on the left are the Wilhelmsen’s who came decked to the nines and ready to celebrate!

Randy and Vanessa sharing a hug at the podium at Bold For Blue Awards 2020

In this photo to the right you see the joy between Vanessa Petersen, ZERO’s  National Director of Chapter Programs, and Randy Kam as it is announced he won one of our first-ever ZERO Impact Awards. Recognized for his enduring passion to end the disease, his physical endurance as a marathon runner, and his service to the community.

Scott and Susie and the Bold For Blue Awards 2020

This is an action shot on the left of Bold for Blue Award Winner and Impact Award Nominee, Suzanne Schlernitzauer with ZERO’s Director of Social Media and Video Production, Scott Meeks as they shared the celebratory evening with all of our supporters and fans on social media.

Lyle and Shawn preparing to embrace at Bold For Blue Awards 2020

This next photo on the right is probably my favorite of all - the photographer captures my pride and joy as ZERO Champion Lyle Leuck comes to the stage to receive his Bold for Blue award for the hard work he put into his do-it-yourself race in Wilmington, NC aptly named Run for a Life.

After celebrating our award winners we honor our connections to prostate cancer with our “Blue Light Ceremony”. As each relationship is announced, members of the audience stand and raise their blue light in honor of our entire community -- from prostate cancer patients and survivors, to caregivers, family members, friends, and those we have lost. This is the very reason why We Are BOLD for BLUE.

Randy and the crowd holding up blue lights to honor Prostate Cancer patients

There are many more terrific photos in our photo album showing hugs, joy, and laughter. You can also watch the video of the evening’s celebration here.

Today, more than ever, we need folks are who Bold for Blue and will align with us to save men’s lives and #EndProstateCancer.

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