Texas 2024 - Prostate Cancer Facts & Statistics April 29, 2024 Download TEXAS's 2024 Prostate Cancer Facts & Statistics Sheet Incidence RatesGiven 100,000 Texas men, 103.4 will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime.20,790 will be diagnosed this year.The state is ranked #36 in the country for prostate cancer incidences. Mortality Rates17.8 in every 100,000 men will die from prostate cancer in Texas2,360 men in the state, this year alone.The state is ranked #46 in the country for prostate cancer deaths. CDMRP* Grants in TexasYear Introduced: 1997Total Grants to Date: 326Total Grand Awards Through FY 2022**: $143.3M Grant RecipientYearAmountUniversity Of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center2019$2,498,000University of Texas, Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas202220222022$1,467,321$1,376,914 $1,376,914Baylor College of Medicine2022$1,440,000* Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs **PCRP (Prostate Cancer Research Program) data for FY 2023 has not yet been posted CDC’s National Comprehensive Cancer Control Program (NCCCP) Funding in TexasGoal: Develop and implement screening and early detection methods for other cancers. Objectives: Promote education about prostate cancer. Develop and implement more effective screening and early detection methods that can differentiate between aggressive and indolent cancers for which there is no benefit from treatment. Develop and implement novel methods for screening and early detection, including imaging technologies, genomic, and proteomics. Strategy: Provide education on prostate cancer and prostate cancer screening, including the known risks and possible benefits. Strategy: Increase awareness of and implementation of new evidence-based screening and early detection methods into routine practice. Strategy: Promote demonstration projects and continued study of emerging screening technologies. Strategy: Promote evaluation of emerging screening methodologies that have an evidence base. Support for research towards the development and improvement of screening technologies continues to be a critical need in Texas and around the globe.Legislative ActionIn the 2021 legislative session, ZERO was proud to support HB 3951/SB 1539, a bill to eliminate cost-sharing for prostate cancer screening for high-risk men. Downloadable Materials Prostate Cancer by Locations More for you
Download TEXAS's 2024 Prostate Cancer Facts & Statistics Sheet Incidence RatesGiven 100,000 Texas men, 103.4 will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime.20,790 will be diagnosed this year.The state is ranked #36 in the country for prostate cancer incidences. Mortality Rates17.8 in every 100,000 men will die from prostate cancer in Texas2,360 men in the state, this year alone.The state is ranked #46 in the country for prostate cancer deaths. CDMRP* Grants in TexasYear Introduced: 1997Total Grants to Date: 326Total Grand Awards Through FY 2022**: $143.3M Grant RecipientYearAmountUniversity Of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center2019$2,498,000University of Texas, Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas202220222022$1,467,321$1,376,914 $1,376,914Baylor College of Medicine2022$1,440,000* Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs **PCRP (Prostate Cancer Research Program) data for FY 2023 has not yet been posted CDC’s National Comprehensive Cancer Control Program (NCCCP) Funding in TexasGoal: Develop and implement screening and early detection methods for other cancers. Objectives: Promote education about prostate cancer. Develop and implement more effective screening and early detection methods that can differentiate between aggressive and indolent cancers for which there is no benefit from treatment. Develop and implement novel methods for screening and early detection, including imaging technologies, genomic, and proteomics. Strategy: Provide education on prostate cancer and prostate cancer screening, including the known risks and possible benefits. Strategy: Increase awareness of and implementation of new evidence-based screening and early detection methods into routine practice. Strategy: Promote demonstration projects and continued study of emerging screening technologies. Strategy: Promote evaluation of emerging screening methodologies that have an evidence base. Support for research towards the development and improvement of screening technologies continues to be a critical need in Texas and around the globe.Legislative ActionIn the 2021 legislative session, ZERO was proud to support HB 3951/SB 1539, a bill to eliminate cost-sharing for prostate cancer screening for high-risk men.
Grant RecipientYearAmountUniversity Of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center2019$2,498,000University of Texas, Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas202220222022$1,467,321$1,376,914 $1,376,914Baylor College of Medicine2022$1,440,000