Iowa 2024 - Prostate Cancer Facts & Statistics
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Incidence Rates
- Given 100,000 Iowa men, 120.4 will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime.
- 3,200 will be diagnosed this year.
- The state is ranked #16 in the country for prostate cancer incidences.
Mortality Rates
- 20 in every 100,000 men will die from prostate cancer in Iowa.
- That's 300 men in the state, this year alone.
- The state is ranked #16 in the country for prostate cancer deaths.
CDMRP* Grants in Iowa
Year Introduced: 1997
Total Grants to Date: 26
Total Grand Awards Through FY 2022**: $7.7M
Grant Recipient | Year | Amount |
University of Iowa | 2010 2006 2003 1997 | $679,500 $1,102,802 $542,731 $450,710 |
Iowa Cancer Research Foundation | 2001 | $428,013 |
* Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs
**PCRP (Prostate Cancer Research Program) data for FY 2023 has not yet been posted
CDC’s National Comprehensive Cancer Control Program (NCCCP) Funding in Iowa
- Target for change: Decrease the age-adjusted mortality per 100,000 for prostate cancer. 2006-2008 Baseline was 24.6 per 100,000 (24.3 whites, 65.6 African American, 19.9 other).