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John Teisberg

An older man with a gray mustache wearing round glasses, a yellow shirt, and black suspenders

John underwent a prostatectomy 14 years ago, and noticed that some of the existing support groups for prostate cancer lacked the necessary focus on addressing the emotional challenges he was facing. While there was an abundance of technical information, there was a noticeable absence in addressing the silent struggles that kept him awake at night. Determined to address these emotional aspects in the healing process, John took matters into his own hands.

Drawing on his extensive experience in "men's work," John realized that delving into the inner voices of anger, sadness, anxiety, confusion, depression, frustration, shame, turmoil, and fear, as well as the occasional voice of joy, could have a profound and transformative impact. And what better way to spark these conversations than by connecting with other survivors?

For more than 12 years, John and his fellow survivors have been engaging in weekly calls called “The Reluctant Brotherhood”. These conversations have proven to be truly remarkable. As men share their personal burdens, they discover that they are not alone in their struggles. The weight of their experiences becomes lighter as they find companionship and understanding among others who are going through similar challenges. In fact, some men have even found themselves laughing at their cancer for the first time, finding moments of joy amidst the difficulties.

Although each man's cancer journey is unique, having trusted companions to accompany them makes the road a little less intimidating. The relief of knowing that they are not alone is immeasurable. Through these conversations, John and his fellow survivors have realized the power of connection and the importance of addressing the emotional aspects of their journey.
