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Naveen Kella, MD

Founder, Adjunct Assistant Professor
The Urology Place, UT Health Science Center San Antonio
A male doctor with brown hair and a beard wearing gray scrubs

Dr. Naveen Kella is board certified in urology, with a fellowship in Urologic Oncology and robotic surgery. He is known for his experience in treating prostate cancer and has performed over 2,500 robotic prostate cancer surgeries. Literature notes the best surgeons usually have a superior experience. Dr. Kella is the most experienced robotic prostate surgeon in San Antonio and South Texas. In fact, he is one of the most experienced in the nation. Dr. Kella is also an Adjunct Assistant Professor for the UT Health Science Center.

What values and characteristics do top urologists possess? “Experience, education and a great team are key,” states Kella. When asked about his success, Dr. Kella gives much credit to his clinic and surgical teams. He has performed nearly all of his robotic prostatectomy cases in the same hospital with the same team. Thus, the team has amassed collective excellence as a single performing unit that is unmatched by nearly anyone in the nation.

In his spare time, Dr Kella spends time with his family and enjoys sports and Crossfit. 
