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Choosing Your Healthcare Team and Second Opinions

A prostate cancer diagnosis can be overwhelming. Use these questions to guide conversations with your doctor and healthcare team so you can be empowered with the right information.

Doctors looking at a scan

Your healthcare team

If you or a loved one are diagnosed with prostate cancer, you will want to find the right doctors and specialists who will guide you through treatment and side effect management. To receive the best care possible, consider a multidisciplinary medical team. A multidisciplinary team is a group of healthcare professionals from different specialties that work together to suggest a treatment and survivorship plan for you based on your diagnosis, personal health, and preferences to ensure you have the best health outcome and highest quality of life.

This team often includes prostate cancer specialists such as a urologist, radiation oncologist, and medical oncologist. They can each tell you the pros and cons of your treatment options including surgery, radiation, hormone therapy, and more advanced options.


Keep in mind that you have a choice in who manages your care. This is about finding the right treatment team you can work with to make the right decisions for you. Make sure to find a team you are comfortable with and trust.

Specialists to consider for your prostate cancer

It is likely that you will work with several medical specialists for treatment. Often the doctor who makes the diagnosis of prostate cancer is the urologist. It is important to work with your doctors as you put together your team for treatment and support. Specialists involved in the treatment and management of prostate cancer are noted below.

Consider a second opinion

Seeking a second opinion following a prostate cancer diagnosis is very common and doing so can make you feel more confident in your treatment decision. It’s OK to get a second opinion at any point during your care. Here are some reasons you might consider getting a second opinion:

  • To understand all available treatment options and have peace of mind with your treatment decision
  • To get the opinion of another prostate cancer expert
  • To confirm a diagnosis or treatment plan
  • To hear information about your cancer explained in a different way
  • To share the opinion of more than one healthcare expert with your insurance company

Some people find it hard to tell their doctors that they’d like a second opinion. Your doctor shouldn’t discourage you from getting a second opinion. If you are unsure of how to begin, here are a few ways to start the conversation:

  • “I’m thinking of getting a second opinion. Can you recommend someone?”
  • “Before we start treatment, I’d like to get a second opinion. Will you help me with that?”
  • “If you had my type of cancer, who would you see for a second opinion?”
  • “I think that I’d like to talk with another doctor to be sure I have all my bases covered.”

Before you start looking for a second opinion, contact your insurance company to find out what your policy covers. In some cases, you may have to get a second opinion from another doctor who is part of your health plan before the plan will pay for your treatment. It’s important to be able to give the new doctor the exact details of your diagnosis and planned treatment.
