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Advocating for the prostate cancer community

Your voice matters. It is the most important factor when decisions are made about prostate cancer research funding, early detection, and high-quality care.

Your Voice Matters.

No matter who you are, where you live, or who your elected officials are, you have the power to make sure that prostate cancer research, early detection, and quality treatments are a national priority.

You don't need to be a "beltway insider," or have powerful political connections — speaking out to tell your personal story is powerful. And it really is as simple as sending an email or making a quick phone call when your elected officials are actively considering decisions that will impact prostate cancer patients and their loved ones.

Learn more about the power of showing up and speaking out

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I'm alive today because other people advocated for research into new treatments. And now I pay it forward by advocating, too.

— Darrell Wilson, Prostate Cancer Patient and ZERO Champion
Advanced prostate cancer patient, Darrell Wilson

The Impact of Speaking Out: Research Funding

The ZERO community has led the charge for more than 25 years, and it's consistent: when people like you — patients, caregivers, and loved ones — speak out, the results speak for themselves.

projects receiving funding
life-saving treatments newly discovered
in debt relief for patients who had nowhere else to turn.
Man holding sign that says Together we can END prostate cancer

Take action

Legislative Action Alerts make it quick and easy to make your voice heard. Just visit these links, fill out the form (it only takes a minute!), and your message will be sent directly to the office of your elected officials.

Summit 2025-1

ZERO Prostate Cancer Summit

Every year, the ZERO community comes together for a life-changing two days of fellowship, education, and in-person meetings with Senators and Congressmen in D.C. Learn more about the most impactful event in the movement to end prostate cancer.

Learn About the 2026 Advocacy Summit

Want to do more?

Action alerts are a great initial step in your advocacy journey; it's a great way to have a quick impact on both national and state-level issues. But it doesn’t need to end there. Right in your own backyard, you can make a significant impact by building relationships with leaders in your community.

We're powerful together

When those who have been impacted by prostate cancer band together and speak out, the impact saves lives. And we need you to make it work; elected officials listen most intently to the people in their own districts, so national coverage is key to making change to benefit patients and their loved ones.
