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Mental Health and Support Resources for Prostate Cancer

A prostate cancer diagnosis is a very emotional time for you and your loved ones. Learn how to manage these emotions and find resources that can help.

An asian man in a dark room looking down at the ground

It is normal to experience a wide range of emotions if you or a loved one has been diagnosed with prostate cancer. Many of these emotions fade over time, but some may develop into clinical depression, intense anxiety, or panic.

  • Anxiety is unease, fear, and dread caused by stress. Studies show that nearly half of all patients with cancer say they feel some anxiety and about 25% of cancer patients say they feel a great deal of anxiety.
  • Depression is a mood disorder in which persistent feelings of sadness interfere with the ability to participate in normal activities.

Depression or anxiety not only impact your quality of life, but they can adversely affect your ability to participate actively in treatments. For these reasons, the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) recommends cancer patients be screened for anxiety and depression.

If you’d like to learn more information about depression, stress, or anxiety you can read this Prostatepedia issue on Stress, Depression, and Prostate Cancer.

A man wearing a suit and tie standing in a library

Managing Anxiety and Depression in the World of Prostate Cancer

Anxiety and depression are extremely common in all those battling a cancer diagnosis but can be especially challenging among those diagnosed with prostate cancer. Dr. Andrew Roth presents tips on managing anxiety and depression as well as how to communicate these challenges with your loved ones and care team. 

How can I manage depression and emotional distress?

Recognizing and learning to cope with anxiety and depression are important in the effective management of living with prostate cancer. Talk to your healthcare team if you think you are depressed or experiencing emotional distress. If left untreated, depression and anxiety can impact your quality of life. Treating mental health is as important as treating your physical body.

Here are some tips for coping.

Resources for mental health support

Sometimes the best medicine is to talk to someone else who has gone through what you are facing. Many prostate cancer survivors find invaluable information and perspective from others who have “been there.” There are several organizations that offer support groups in person, by phone, and online

Hospital and care team resources

Your local hospital or other agencies in your area may offer support groups. Many times an oncology social worker can direct you to the right resources.

Resources for self-harm and suicide

If you, or someone you know, is struggling with thoughts of self-harm or suicide, please use the resources below. These crisis lines are staffed with professionals that are ready to help.
